XXV IPSA Congress, Australia, 2018

Brisbane, Australia, hosted the XXV IPSA Congress on July 21-25, 2018. Professor Miroljub Jevtic participated in the Congress and chaired the session on “Political use of religion”.

From left to right: Mr. Denys Shestopalets, Ms. Ruchika Rai, Prof. Michael Minkenberg, Prof. Miroljub Jevtic and Prof. Mark Tessler

From left to right: Prof. Mark Tessler and Prof. Miroljub Jevtic

From left to right: Prof. Michael Minkenberg and Prof. Miroljub Jevtić

From left to right: Mr. Denys Shestopalets and Prof. Miroljub Jevtić

From left to right: Ms. Ruchika Rai and Prof. Miroljub Jevtić

From left to right: Prof. Jevtić and Prof. Iter Turan, IPSA president (2016-2018)