


religion, Brazil, politics, Charismatic Catholics, Evangelicals


Brazil has experienced a great deal of political instability and a strengthening of conservatism since the last presidential election and which, during the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, suffered one of its most critical moments. The objective of this communication is to analyse the important role played by religious actors during this process and to demonstrate how the political alliances established between Pentecostals and Charismatic Catholics in the National Congress has made possible a series of political initiatives aimed at dismantling the expansion of human rights and policies of the Workers Party governments. With an anti-Communist spirit and a conservative vision of sexual morality and gender relations, these political groups have in recent years approached the social movement Schools without Party (Escola sem partido) and today represent an enormous challenge to Brazilian democracy.


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How to Cite

Machado, M. das D. C. (2022). RELIGION AND MORAL CONSERVATISM IN BRAZILIAN POLITICS. Politics and Religion Journal, 12(1), 55–74.