Secular Law and the Niqab Issue: Analysis of the Face Covering Ban as a Measure to Prevent Islamic Radicalism in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Niqab, Islam, Central Asia, Caucasus, radicalism, secular lawAbstract
The prohibition of wearing in public places Muslim women’s face-covering clothing, in particular the niqab, has been discussed in many countries. It is in force not only in a number of European countries, but also in states where the majority of the population is Muslim. Among them: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, India, Indonesia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Governments explain the prohibition at the legislative level, first of all, by security measures: there is a problem with identification of a person wearing such clothes. In addition, such elements of clothing are associated with radical religious movements, the likely increase in their influence also encourages states to adopt such laws. The article provides a detailed analysis of legislative measures adopted or under discussion in Central Asian and Caucasian countries to ban the wearing of the niqab and other face-covering garments in public places. The authors examine the history of attitudes towards the niqab in these countries, motivations for banning or not banning it, and attitudes towards other elements of women’s religious dress.
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