Iran, republic, Kuchik Khan, Gilan, Reza Khan, Tajaddod party, EshghiAbstract
The aim of the article is to analyze the first attempts to establish republic in Iran in 1920s. The revision of monarchical principles brought to life two independent republican projects, one of which, proclaimed on behalf of the traditional leader Kuchik Khan, was essentially a Soviet replica, and the second, initiated by Prime Minister Reza Khan, was the way to establish a dictatorship based on the principles of nationalism. An obstacle to the implementation of both republican plans was not only the denial of the religious authorities, but also a wide popular protest. As part of an interdisciplinary study, the article analyzes the arsenal of propaganda tools used to proclaim their political views by supporters and opponents of the republic. The work is based on archival documentary materials and works of a literary and journalistic origin, which are first introduced into scientific circulation.
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