


neoliberalism, cult, ideology, social bond, democracy, religion


Every thought that wants to be considered ас materialist begins with the characterization of its circumstances, aiming to abstract them and produce its critique. Our intention is not far from this expectation and, at the moment of defining the present, it shares Mario Tronti’s position that indicates that we are living in the “society of money”. Which are the consequences of these statements? Throughout this article, following some suggestions made by Walter Benjamin, we will investigate the cultic character that signs practices under the logic of neoliberal capitalism. We will try to identify some of his more relevant ideological operations: homogenization and inversion, supremacy of present, immanence and management dominance. The objective is to reflect on the political effects they produce on the configuration of the social bond and the democratic forms of life in our society today.



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How to Cite

Cuesta, M. (2022). NEOLIBERALISM, A CULT WITHOUT DOGMA. NOTES ON MONEY, RELIGION AND DEMOCRACY. Politics and Religion Journal, 11(1), 69–84.