
  • Fatimah Husein State Islamic University (Indonesia)



Jerusalem, Jews, Islamic perspective, Indonesian Muslim student activists, exclusivist approach, inclusive approach


Jerusalem is a city of controversy. This paper attempts to describe the views of Indonesian Muslim student activists, who are studying in two different categories of university, namely secular and religious-based, on Jerusalem and the Jews. The choice of students of different organizations and universities is meant to give a more comprehensive perspective, and is based on the assumption that the students from the Islamic university will have different perspectives on these issues compared to those of secular universities. Five students from each category were interviewed. The interviews were not recorded but transcribed so that the interviewees could speak freely. These interviews however do not reflect the opinions of student organizations and the universities. It reflects the students’ own perspectives.


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How to Cite

Husein, F. (2022). JERUSALEM AND THE JEWS: THE VIEWS OF INDONESIAN MUSLIM STUDENT ACTIVISTS. Politics and Religion Journal, 5(2), 197–212.